The Pointy End - Getting that novel DONE!
Let's pretend you're a journalist, say with a publication entitled The Dog Ate My Novel, and your job is to grill tardy writers on the whereabouts of their novels. Begin. . .

Clinging, Pink Ginning & Nearly Winning - The Richell Prize 2017
What a week! A gal is quite overcome with gratitude for being awarded the Highly Commended gong at the 2017 Richell Prize.

5 Reasons to Enter a Literary Prize
What’s the worst that can happen? Five reasons why you SHOULD enter that literary prize you have your eye on, even if you haven’t finished your novel.

One simple editing fix for your novel
When structural editing becomes overwhelming, there's one powerful little editing fix you can do relatively quickly and easily.

6 writing lessons from my summer reading
Lessons from Hannah Kent, Helen Garner, Anne Tyler & Jane Harper on backstory, show don’t tell and opening lines.

How to handle feedback
The feedback is in. You can hardly see the print for the edit marks. Here are 3 things you can do to focus on what needs to be done.